Thursday, January 08, 2015


In view of today's events, we at the International Communications Forum and at the International Media Council of the Next Century Foundation wish to affirm that:
We fully understand the need to respect the other and the offence that some may cause with the use of unbridled satire.
We affirm that freedom of the press is one of the four great freedoms, these being: Freedom of Religion; Freedom from Fear, Freedom from Want; and Freedom of Expression.
And we condemn, in the strongest terms possible, the murders today in Paris.
We all seek a fairer and more considerate world. But the action today undermines our most basic ideals held sacred by all generations.
We further extend our deep sympathy to the families of those present at Charlie Hebdo who were killed so unconscionably today and wish a speedy recovery to all those injured during the atrocity.

The International Communications Forum

UK: 4 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2LX. Phone: +44 207 821 6566
USA: 190 Longhill Street, City of Springfield, MA 01108

YouTube NCFpeace / Twitter @ncfpeace

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